As a recently retired police chief, I have had time to reflect on my 29 years of service and one thing I know for sure is that we need great, reliable technology vendors to assist us and our industry moving forward.
If your plans for 2022 include technology, here are 3 companies that you may have not heard of yet, but certainly will make big waves in the future. As 2021 comes to a close, keep your eye on these law enforcement technology companies for your future plans.
1) Sitehound Inc.

First on our list of essential projects for law enforcement is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Sighthound, Inc. has released a high level, multi-faceted license plate detection and recognition API in its Cloud service and as part of its Sighthound Sentry software.
The software scans images or videos and uses Sighthound’s
proprietary deep computer vision algorithms to detect and read license plates while recognizing the country/state of origin.
2) LensLock Inc.

Next on what’s essential for law enforcement in 2022 is LensLock Genesis 12 Body-Worn Cameras and the LensLocker Evidence Management System. For the past 7 years, LensLock
has been able to separate themselves from the industry by providing consistent, 24/7 customer support whenever and wherever it's needed.
LensLock's Genesis 12 Body-Worn Camera offers unlimited HD video with night vision, advanced audio, 13 hour battery life, pre-event buffer, and an optional mute button.
LensLocker is the premier evidence management platform for law enforcement. Its interface is user-friendly and can redact sensitive or personally identifiable information such as faces, tattoos, license plates, etc.
3) SOMA Global

The final item on our law enforcement essentials list for 2022 is an advanced CAD systems. CAD Systems allow public safety
operations and communications to be supported, assisted, or partially controlled by an automated system.
SOMA Global Dispatch offers a cloud-based CAD solution that delivers secure, mission-critical, real-time data to first responders.
It is the most advanced Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system with an unmatched feature set, flexible user interface and robust administrative control.

Chad Butler
Chief of Police, Retired
FBINA Session 252